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Even though you may have written yourself off the list of those who God wants to use in a wonderful way, God hasn’t done that. In fact, God does just the opposite when He evaluates you. He sees your potential far beyond what you can see yourself.  God is eager to use you for His Kingdom!

God sees your potential far beyond what you can see yourself. Share on X

One of the highlights we see throughout the Bible is how God chooses to use humans, flawed humans, for His purposes and His glory.  He could have used angels, and in some cases He does. He could have done things all by Himself, and that is what He does sometimes. But an overarching theme throughout the Bible is how God uses ordinary men and women as part of His unfolding plans in human history.  This is good news.  This is great news. God has chosen to use you and me!

No matter where you came from. No matter where you grew up. No matter what mistakes you have made, God wants to use you. Share on X

So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV) 

God can you use you. He wants to use you. Come to Him today and submit yourself to His purposes.

God can you use you. He wants to use you. Come to Him today and submit yourself to His purposes. Share on X


One Comment

  • Nancy Saenz says:

    God does use us all and many times in ways we never would have thought was part of His plan. When it becomes about us and not Him, that’s where we lose connection as a community.

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