Life Invest Your Life Don’t Waste It With all of the differences we share, we equally share one thing: time. We all get 86,400 seconds in a day to invest in the…Ed TaylorMay 26, 2022
Ministry Does God Want To Use Me? Who is the person that God uses? This is not a trick question and is best asked in front of a mirror! There, you may…Ed TaylorMay 23, 2022
10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Gossip What does the Bible say about Gossip? Exodus 23:1 (NKJV) ““You shall not circulate a false report. Do not put your hand with the wicked…Ed TaylorMay 21, 2022
Life What Do I Do When Life is So Hard? We live in a very ungracious and unkind world. There is so much bad news; it's becoming harder and harder to watch the news. Like…Ed TaylorMay 19, 2022
Ministry How Do I Experience Victory In My Christian Walk? King David knew of the presence of the Lord in his life. All we need to do is read through the psalms, and we'll learn…Ed TaylorMay 18, 2022
Life How Do I Wait On The Lord? People tell you to "wait on the Lord," but what does that mean? How do I do it? Is there a right way to wait…Ed TaylorMay 17, 2022
Grief 3 Truths About the Goodness of God We know that God is good. While many may question this fundamental fact, we know by experience that God is good all of the time,…Ed TaylorMay 16, 2022
Ministry 5 Key Steps Toward The Death of a Movement As much as we would like to see the opposite, movements of God among men don't last forever, unfortunately. There seems to be a predictable…Ed TaylorMay 13, 2022
Life A Hidden Gem Found in Genesis Opening the Bible to Genesis 5 lands you right in the middle of a genealogy. That's usually followed by skipping on to the next chapter.…Ed TaylorMay 12, 2022
Life A Mother’s Day Poem Happy Mother's Day is the familiar greeting when Mother's Day rolls around. But for many, it's a bittersweet and difficult day. It’s good that we…Ed TaylorMay 11, 2022