Ministry Coronavirus (COVID-19), Fear, Anxiety, and the Church John 14:27 (NLT) “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot…Ed TaylorMarch 14, 2020
Ministry PODCAST: 206. Do I Defend Myself It's going to happen to every leader, hyper criticism and slander. It's not usual to have people talking about you rather than talking to you.…Ed TaylorMarch 13, 2020
Life The Coronavirus and Fear Our pastor, Chuck Smith, taught us this simple truth, “Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken.” It’s true. If there were ever…Ed TaylorMarch 13, 2020
Ministry How Do I Follow God’s Call Upon My Life? Recently, as a ministry team we were reading and discussing chapter 6 of Warren Wiersbe's book, "On Being a Servant of God." This little gem…Ed TaylorFebruary 27, 2020
Life 5 Ways To Resist Believing Gossip Rumors. Gossip. Lies. Oh, the destruction done to so many lives because of the lies spread about and believed! Proverbs 18:8 (NKJV) “The words of…Ed TaylorFebruary 20, 2020
Ministry No Confidence in the Disappearing World Time may show that one of the greatest weaknesses in our modern civilization has been the acceptance of quantity rather than quality as the goal…Ed TaylorFebruary 13, 2020
Ministry 7 Unique Callings of God It's encouraging to know that God has a plan and purpose for our lives. That means, He has a specific plan for your life individually.…Ed TaylorFebruary 6, 2020
Ministry Lead2Serve Podcast Season 2 in 2019, we launched a new weekly podcast entitled, "Lead2Serve" Season 2 just dropped yesterday. Be sure to subscribe and tune in. It's available on…Ed TaylorFebruary 4, 2020
Life It’s Stupid to Hate Correction Who likes to be corrected? Not many of us. I have met many people who love to correct others but not many that really enjoy…Ed TaylorJanuary 30, 2020
Ministry Instead of Cursing the Darkness We Can Turn on The Light! Someone once said that instead of 'cursing the darkness' as believers we should merely 'turn on the light'. That's an interesting contrast. Given the choices,…Ed TaylorJanuary 29, 2020