Grief Facing Hopelessness It seems like every day hopelessness knocks on the door. Unfortunately, we often open up and let it walk right in and take over our…Ed TaylorApril 29, 2022
Life You Need to Deal With Your Hidden Sin Very few things slow the progress of the Church more than hidden sin in the camp. Have you heard of that phrase before? It comes…Ed TaylorApril 25, 2022
Ministry The “Modesto Manifesto” Ephesians 5:15 (NKJV) “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise,” With all the tragic news of pastors and spiritual leaders…Ed TaylorApril 14, 2022
Grief Letter To A Friend Who Has Suffered Much I was introduced to Fenelon years ago during my ministry time at Calvary Chapel in Downey, California. His seminal work, "Let Go" is a must…Ed TaylorJuly 29, 2021
Ministry Help For the Oppressed Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from…Ed TaylorJune 15, 2021
Ministry 8 More Signs of a Bad Spiritual Leader or Pastor Spiritual leadership in God's Church is a sacred trust. The Church belongs to Jesus. We must never forget that when God calls men and women…Ed TaylorJune 14, 2021
Life Together! 14 “One Anothers” in the Bible God has made us to be together as the Body of Christ. Together. In Person. Our Shepherd and Pastor Jesus taught us, "A new commandment…Ed TaylorMay 11, 2020
Grief 13 Biblical Ways To Deny Yourself Jesus made it clear for any and all who desire to follow after Him. The key, the first step, the gateway to entering into a…Ed TaylorMay 6, 2020
Life 8 Things You Can Do About Sin Sin is a real, positive evil. The Greek word itself means to "miss the mark". Each and every one of us have missed the mark…Ed TaylorMay 4, 2020
Life 10 Things That CANNOT Separate Us From God’s Love Even though at times we may 'feel' like we are far from the love of God, nothing can separate the believer from His love. Nothing.…Ed TaylorApril 27, 2020