Originally published and posted at Thriving Pastor Blog by Joanna Bloss When my friend’s father was dying, my husband and I went to the hospital…

Ed TaylorJuly 5, 2016
"How are you doing?” That's a great question to ask, all the time of those in our lives. Let me just say that is not…

Ed TaylorJune 21, 2016
"When your faith endures many conflicts and your spirit sinks low, do not condemn yourself. It was David in haste who said, 'I am cut…

Ed TaylorJune 15, 2016
Note: This was written by Pastor Richard Cimino, and was originally posted at CalvaryChapel.com. Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is such an amazing bit…

Ed TaylorJune 12, 2016
OHANA: "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind — or forgotten." - Lilo Pelekai, Lilo & Stitch The boys on our trip to Pueblo,…

Ed TaylorMay 27, 2016
“Now it came to pass after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, that the Lord spake unto Joshua, the son of Nun,…

Ed TaylorMay 23, 2016
Originally posted on Still Standing by Jessi Snapp I know how hard this day must be for you. How painful it is to be one of the…

Ed TaylorMay 8, 2016