10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses On The Sinlessness of Christ The Bible teaches without reservation that Jesus Christ is sinless. 1. Isaiah 53:9 (NKJV) “And they made His grave with the wicked— But with the…Ed TaylorJune 24, 2021
Ministry Help For the Oppressed Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from…Ed TaylorJune 15, 2021
Ministry 8 More Signs of a Bad Spiritual Leader or Pastor Spiritual leadership in God's Church is a sacred trust. The Church belongs to Jesus. We must never forget that when God calls men and women…Ed TaylorJune 14, 2021
Ministry Speaking Up For The Oppressed “Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from…Ed TaylorMarch 12, 2021
Ministry Meeting People Where They Are The culture around us is a minefield of resistance, anger, and mockery toward the things of Christ. It seems like no matter what decision is…Ed TaylorAugust 17, 2020
Ministry Let’s Talk A Conversation on Racial Tensions with Pastor Miles McPherson In today's episode we rebroadcast a live radio call in-show where I sat down with Pastor Miles McPherson of The Rock Church, San Diego, California.…Ed TaylorAugust 7, 2020
Ministry PODCAST 221. Is It Time to Return to Worship IN-PERSON? "Is it time to return to worship services." There is a lot of fear, most of it very real, concerning the COVID-19 Corona Virus crisis.…Ed TaylorAugust 6, 2020
Life God Uses The Crisis to Deepen Our Dependence Upon Him None of us want to be in deep crisis. Who does really? When I think of facing troubling times or hard situations I think of…Ed TaylorApril 21, 2020
Life COVID-19 Coronavirus Q & A: April 8,2020 Pastor Joshua and I hosted a time of Q & A in light of the COVID-19 Coronavirus crisis we are currently enduring. Watch and share.Ed TaylorApril 9, 2020
Ministry PODCAST 213. Leading With Courage not Fear in Coronavirus Era Difficult times call for courage. But how do you lead with courage when fear and challenges surround you? In today’s edition of Lead2Serve, Pastor Ed…Ed TaylorApril 8, 2020