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Each year, a Sunday in January is specifically set aside to honor the sanctity of life. While it is only a day, we know that every day is a day to sanctify, value, and stand in the gap for life!

It’s important stand in the gap for those who have no voice, for life in every area of our society. From inside of the womb to inside a temporarily comatose brain, life is to be valued, cherished, and chosen. Jesus is the Author of life and placed its value at the highest price possible, the price of His precious shed blood.

In a society that has accepted abortion as the norm, along with those who push the idea of euthenasia as a viable option to life’s sicknesses and difficulties, we as the Church of Jesus Christ have an obligation to speak up for life.

Below is a study I shared with the fellowship family of Calvary Aurora in 2015, which included a small, but important part of our testimony.  Today I encourage you to choose life. 

Choose Life (20150118) from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.

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